3 Ways to Grow 

Do more for your business and submit your responses to the questions below, and you to could reach 30K to 80K new local people monthly. Increase sales and get your brand and business out there, like White Boy Rick did with his new brand "The Eighth".  We were happy to host his launch, when no other media would support him, we stepped up!  That's what being local is all about, supporting the people, that support you, and care about you!  

Local means home, local means caring, local means results to people in your area, that actually care about your business. 

We're here for the good times, and when no one else cares, we're here! Here's your chance to support your business and the local community, so that we all have a better chance of making a better tomorrow together, by supporting each other, and by using the local products that make us stronger: VeryDetroit.com: VeryAnnArbor.com: OneMag.tv : AskTheNeighbor.com: VeryUnited.com