March 8th, 2019

Very Detroit Radio ( Episode 109 )

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Unknown Speaker 0:06

You're listening to W NZK Dearborn heights, Detroit's your ethnic superstation 690 days 680 Nights. W NZK has available a few good hours of airtime for a few good programs to serve their communities. Radio is better than ever in targeting an audience that listens to what you say. Learn more about this exciting radio broadcasting opportunity by calling WNZK radio at 248557 3500 Verse is w NZK Dearborn heights Detroit your ethnic superstation out 690 days 680 Nights

Speaker 1 1:33

very Detroit radio

whoa whoa that is a little higher bad bad? See me

all right little low rider they're going out to my boys in the southwest you know who you are mad one motor city street dance academy. What's happening guys? This is Danko. Souter AUSkey very Detroit. I want to welcome Tracy Moy, my co host today. How are you Tracy?

Unknown Speaker 4:58

Hi, I'm good.

Speaker 1 5:00

So how's the new sun treating you? So far? We've got a little break from the freezing cold.

Unknown Speaker 5:05

The new sun new sun as in like,

Speaker 1 5:08

we finally see, oh, this planetary

right. But it's new to us because we've been in this gloomy weather for about three months.

Unknown Speaker 5:18

Now. Was it sunny yesterday?

Speaker 1 5:19

I don't think so.

Unknown Speaker 5:21

How do I not remember? Really what I find the most concerning thing?

Speaker 1 5:25

I just know it's been freezing cold every single day. And I'm ready for change. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 5:31

think we're all ready for a little bit of spring.

Speaker 1 5:33

So tell us a little bit, you know of anything going on this weekend, Tracy? In Detroit. Somewhere around Detroit,

Unknown Speaker 5:42

I should expect you to ask me and you should probably just expect me to be like, Nope.

Speaker 1 5:46

Okay. Well, I'll tell you what, oh,

Unknown Speaker 5:48

you know what, I had a question for you. Yeah. How was the Japanese girls event at the DIA last weekend. It was

Speaker 1 5:55

it was incredible. Um, they had a great display of all kinds of Japanese traditional things in the main area there at the DIA. And then they had the the Japanese drums and a performance that was in the DFT. That was just incredible. went on for about an hour and a half, they were using the traditional Japanese drums mixed with electric guitar and whatnot. It was just a sweet event. So it was cool. We checked out a bunch of the things got involved even had a fashion show after that. So for which were, you know, the truth, traditional Japanese wear and whatnot. Um, but as everyone knows, I like Japanese culture. So it was a perfect event for me. And it was great. And then I went over to the Charles Wright museum to pop in and see Piper, and she was busy in the event. Oh, nice.

Unknown Speaker 6:59

Oh, you did go?

Speaker 1 7:00

Mm hmm. So that was cool. It was a great, great day. Overall.

Unknown Speaker 7:07

We have the Hamtramck Music Fest this weekend, right?

Speaker 1 7:10

Well, yeah, it started actually last night.

Unknown Speaker 7:13

Did you go see any bands?

Speaker 1 7:15

There was a ton of people in Hamtramck so it's going to be 1000s and 1000s of people that are going to be there. This weekend, Hamtramck is going to be kicking. So folks, if you want to hear some music this weekend, check out our web, our Facebook, we've been sharing different things happening in Hamtramck. I know there's some stuff happening at Outer Limits and a bunch of the other bars in Hamtramck. So what else you got Tracy for what's happening or this weekend? Anything?

Unknown Speaker 7:51

Like you know what? I haven't done it the DIA Have you done the big picture tour? No, I haven't done that either. But that happens all the time.

Speaker 1 7:59

Mm hmm. I didn't see the pop exhibit which was cool.

Unknown Speaker 8:03

Yeah, that was good. It was little but it was they had some. They had some nice pieces on there

Speaker 1 8:08

that they did have some cool pieces. Alright, so to review what happened at the hip hop? Women in hip hop show. We've got Piper Carter on the line. Piper. Are you there? Yes, I am. Hi, how are you? Good morning. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 8:23

Good morning going good. Good.

Speaker 1 8:27

I saw that too. You released the mixtape from the hip hop. Yeah, sure. Yeah. From women in hip hop women in hip hop. Right. So tell us a little bit about how the show went.

Unknown Speaker 8:41

Oh, my God, it was incredible. It took place at the Charles H. Wright museum. And Midtown in Detroit,

Speaker 1 8:48

great, beautiful, beautiful, whoever, whoever has never has not gone in. It's an amazing space. So

Unknown Speaker 8:57

feeling was just amazing. And they have the echo. And there is this incredible space. Yeah. And we have the event actually in the theater. And we started with a documentary film. And the documentary was about 25 minutes of a film that I'm actually working on about us and our work and what we've been going through in our organization, just creating this little space, a safe space for women in hip hop. And people said they really enjoyed the film. So that was great feedback. I'll be continuing to work on that. So that's

Speaker 1 9:35

just Detroit based. Women in hip hop the film.

Unknown Speaker 9:39

Yeah. So it's Detroit based and between from like, 2009 up until about 2017.

Speaker 1 9:50

Tell it tell our audience a little bit about your personal mission. Piper.

Unknown Speaker 9:56

Yeah, well, for me personally in I originally was a fashion photographer. And I was actually the first African American woman to photograph for Vogue, and Elle and Harper's Bazaar and those types of publications, traveled the world and got a chance to see up close and personal, the actual business and industry of fashion. And but, you know, but by working in fashion, you also are very well connected with music and the music industry and music artists and things, and just wanted to see some a few things like go differently. And my mother got sick in 2008, she had a heart attack, and then she had a stroke during her bypass surgery. So, you know, she lost all her faculties. And then I ended up not going back to New York City, but staying in Detroit to be with her and support her through helping her get better, which she actually is now, thank goodness. And so yeah, and through that process, I was able to meet a lot of great people, I owned a space, I bought a building that didn't go well, it went well for a while, but we were forced out by gentrification, and took some time for myself to heal from that. And then just decided to take the pieces of the work on the road, if you will, or into virtual space, and so got co working space at Bamboo. Great space. Lots of love to Amanda lawan, who is the owner of that space that helps a lot of small businesses like myself, right, great. And I also go into build, Institute, lots of love to April oil, and her crew, they helped me get my business plan and that kind of thing together. And so created a combination of a nonprofit and a for profit, it's a new entity in Detroit, will actually Michigan is one of eight states, it's called an L three C, it's a combination of a 501 C three in an LLC, and you're basically a for profit entity with a with a mission, you know, with the with the social mission. And so my mission is to utilize this entity to support women in hip hop to help them so it's like an artist development artists management and artists

Unknown Speaker 12:50

booking. So did you go and seek out these women? Or did they come to you?

Unknown Speaker 12:56

A little bit of each? Um, initially, we were a no misogyny open mic lasted about five years. And so people eventually we started off, you know, no one wanted to come no one understood it.

Unknown Speaker 13:13

You know, maybe there's maybe like a little like fear in it like to get out there in the world.

Unknown Speaker 13:19

Right? Like people were like, What is this? Why are women rapping? No one wants to hear women grab, like this whole kind of thing. And eventually, we just kept going and going with consistency. We eventually built up the night and it became one of the most popular open mic night on Tuesdays. It wasn't only it wasn't that only women could get on the mic. It was that it was no misogyny. So we let everyone get on the mic. But no one could do good crap about misogyny. And then we were like, you know, no lyrics about death and drugs and all this other stuff. You could talk about, you know, we want to do a life affirming thing,

Unknown Speaker 13:58

right? A positive experience. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 14:01

And then and then we started getting recognition from around the world. The Guardian wrote an article about us he started getting people were coming from Europe and filming us and, and it started becoming like, really, really, I want to say successful in that kind of way, like well received. And so then it evolved into like this collective of women that were supporting one another. And then we were being asked to go to universities, and speak and perform and present on panels, and do workshops and things. And so now it's evolved into this company or business to help women that want to be in hip hop, and help them do that in a way that safe for them.

Unknown Speaker 14:47

That's sweet. Is it through this or your organization that you met the two speakers that you were talking about the two professors that presented at the museum last week?

Unknown Speaker 14:57

Definitely. So Dr. Kelly Hey, and So Rebecca from our two professors out of Oakland University, and they have been studying us and our work since 2012, they actually came to the first to their first open mic in 2012. We actually started it in 2009. And so it's been kind of going pretty popular by the time they got there. And they asked if they could, you know, get involved and start studying us. And that happened. And they ingrain themselves, and started working with us and looking at, you know, how things were involving, and became close with many of the women that were involved. And they wrote some different academic journals and put them into the archives. And so now, you've written this book, about us in our work and just different women in hip hop. And it's the whole thing. And the book is actually going to be peer reviewed by it's currently being peer reviewed by Jeff Chang, who wrote can't stop won't stop, which is a main textbook that's used like Harvard University and other Stanford and other places where they study hip hop. And so he's actually reviewing the book, it's going to be launched in Sep. tember or something like that, or later later, 2019 and 2020. It should be launched. And so we ended up having a conversation with that. And you know, about their process and that what people really really love that people really love listening to them and hearing about their process.

Unknown Speaker 16:39

Can we talk about the mixtape that you publish? Okay, okay. Was

Speaker 1 16:48

I would like to go to a track one at one track of the mixtape if we could, yeah. And I'm kind of like, finish off our conversation like with that. So go ahead, Tracy, what were you gonna say? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 16:59

I was just gonna say was it is it? Basically what happened at the show over the weekend, and you just published what was performed?

Unknown Speaker 17:10

Well, the mixtape is actually a compilation of different women I have send out it's actually curated by mahogany Jones, who's a member of the org and all right, and see, and also kreski winner. And so how can you Joan actually sent out some various ads to in the universe? And so did I. And so did the CO curator, Brittany, Mark, who actually is my, my co hosts on my podcast. And they, they all of us, reached out to on the internet and just ask people to submit. And then on our website, we have submission guidelines. And we've actually put out two other mixtapes, which are compilation.

Unknown Speaker 18:01

Yeah, I know, I noticed this was valuable three, so volume three.

Unknown Speaker 18:05

And so the other ones were all Detroit artists. And this one, we opened it up. Okay. And we got some great submissions from women around around the world, actually. So now we actually have a track on there from Tony Blackman, whose organization is run like a girl. And she also has a whole women in hip hop, business and organization that she does. She teaches women how to use freestyle. Open up

Unknown Speaker 18:39

Yeah. If you're into hip hop, the mixtape is great.

Unknown Speaker 18:43

The mixtape is awesome. It's all you know, life giving life affirming. Whoo, it's 22 tracks.

Unknown Speaker 18:51

Yes, it's really good

Unknown Speaker 18:53

producers. She makes beats.

Speaker 1 18:57

Yeah, that's, uh, I was listening to it last night.

Unknown Speaker 19:00

And she grinds and so the whole thing is just super awesome. It has like some vocalists on there. There's some jazzy stuff. There's some artists of Lee's Corona legendary Detroit MC is on there. So and then Medusa, who is one of the women in hip hop, long time MCs from you know, all the way from the 90s so now has a song on there with joy, who is a Legendary Vocalist, so we're just really really excited about it. It's launched today, actually. Oh, oh, yeah.

Speaker 1 19:39

Congrats. Congrats.

Unknown Speaker 19:40

Thank you. Appalachians really nice.

Speaker 1 19:42

We have to kind of like wrap up here with you Piper and we'll go to a quick track. Which one would you like us to play? Oh, my goodness. Just let's go with one quick track.

Unknown Speaker 19:53

Let's play Frankie P. And this is called a realization.

Speaker 1 19:59

Oh, you know A lot we might not be able to go to it from the SoundCloud

Unknown Speaker 20:03

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1 20:04

Oh wow so we'll just play just a little bit I want to thank you for all the good work you're doing in Detroit Piper keep it up. However we can support you we want to so

Unknown Speaker 20:15

yeah, just go to the our website we found hip Nice. Find us on social media. We found hip hop.

Speaker 1 20:23

Okay, cool. Very good. We're gonna go to a track you have a great day Piper Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 20:28

Yep, thank you man, I'm great. Great. Look at me clear my plate. Delicious. These haters they dirty dishes washing pad up. I just keep my distance bam. No attention not just keep my cool so never give a mention.

Speaker 1 20:49

They never get it

alright, just a little sampling of the mixtape. We found hip hop from Piper's group. Next up, we have Richard Steinhardt. Richard, are you there? Hello, how are you? Good. Richard. We wanted to get you into a little bit to talk about your company. CBD unlimited.

Unknown Speaker 21:24

Terrific. I took my CBD this morning. I'm all focused on pain free. I'm ready to go.

Speaker 1 21:30

Alright, so quickly tell our audience um, what is what are the benefits of using CBD? Wait,

Unknown Speaker 21:36

I want to back up. Okay, what? What happens is somebody doesn't even know what CBD is. Do you? Oh,

Speaker 1 21:41

yeah. Let's talk. Yeah. Good. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 21:45

well, let me give you a little foundation. CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol and it's one of the molecules of both the hemp and the marijuana plant. It was isolated by an Israeli scientists in the 1960s and at this point, they have found 90 molecules in both the hemp and marijuana plants. And the cannabidiol is an anti inflammatory phytonutrients phyto meaning plants. And so that's whereas THC is one of the molecules that's the psychoactive in marijuana. And hemp for THC is non psychoactive.

Speaker 1 22:30

Alright, so we're talking about a extract molecule or cannabinoid from the hemp or cannabis plant. Correct. That's called CBD which has a non drugging effect. If you take

Unknown Speaker 22:47

well the marijuana THC. The marijuana CBD does have some psychoactive THC and the hemp has no psychoactive THC, do they produce the same effect? It's the same anti inflammatory the same molecule. Okay.

Speaker 1 23:07

I mean, I've heard people like they take drops of this and they just they can't explain why they feel better, but they just feel overall better.

Unknown Speaker 23:15

Well, we're getting testimonials from people with migraines, Crohn's disease, colitis, insomnia, migraines, epileptic seizure reduction. And we had four podiatrists that did a nine month research study with for plantar fasciitis, neuropathy and diabetic foot pain, and they tracked a 68% average pain reduction on their patients 68%.

Unknown Speaker 23:48

What about if somebody has an inability to focus or does it helping that way as

Unknown Speaker 23:55

well it does, like add kids definitely been benefiting from it. So I take some oil before I start around a golf and it helps me focus on my chipping and putting better so now for example, on my fourth pot, I don't know, just right. I don't even have to line it up. Hmm.

Unknown Speaker 24:17

So all you golfers out there, you don't

Speaker 1 24:20

even have to line it up on your right. Just kind of swing

Unknown Speaker 24:29

your mind where can we get

Unknown Speaker 24:33

some more information. Every mammal has both a CBD one system and a CBD two system. So the oils you take sublingually under your tongue and let it sit there for 30 to 60 seconds to absorb into your bloodstream and it goes to your brain. The CBD to receptor system goes from your nerve extremity. and your organs in your body. So we have also created a CBD capsule that has a delay release in your intestinal tract that attaches to the CBD to receptor system,

Unknown Speaker 25:17

not the one receptor. So the longest want like a systematic body and not going into their head, then well it's

Unknown Speaker 25:25

there the two different functions but for the maximum therapeutic dose dosing would be to do the dual therapy. So, but if you do one there, people are still getting results. And we've geared our products to cost the customer between one and $3 a day for the use of the product. So tell us

Speaker 1 25:53

I don't want to interrupt but we got to kind of wrap up here. Richard and the name of the product is CBD unlimited.

Unknown Speaker 26:00

That's our brand name. Okay, we have a website CBD unlimited calm.

Speaker 1 26:05

Excellent. Okay, so our folks can do that and go on there and,

Unknown Speaker 26:09

and we're also sold in stores all around the Detroit area.

Speaker 1 26:13

Okay. Well, um, you heard it here, folks. You can get your CBD oils, and maybe feel better. Absolutely. All right, Richard, thanks for calling. And let us letting us know and letting our audience know a little bit about what CBD and we might have you come back on again and get a little more detail. Okay. You have a good day. All right. Bye now. All right. All right. Well, um, interesting stuff. Hi, Tracy.

Unknown Speaker 26:42

I don't think an anti inflammatory is such a bad thing.

Speaker 1 26:45

No, I've heard good people love some of the results they're getting from the CBD oils. Um, next up, we have some someone pretty cool. Calling in. Karen Burton from SpaceLabs. Detroit. Karen, are you there? Yes, I'm here. Today. Oh, hey, how's it? So SpaceLabs is just the coolest name. First of all, how did you come up with

Unknown Speaker 27:11

Space Lab? No, F. And Space Lab is a co working and shared office space for people in the built environment. profession. So we have architects, engineers and contractors, I real estate developers and support professionals in that area. But this is a co working space for people who create and develop space. So we are performing those faith design and development activities. And we're looking at new ways to design space. So it's kind of like a laboratory. That's how we came up with faith lab.

Speaker 1 27:52

Yeah, I mean, I when I look at what the word to me like spaces, yeah, exactly. Like how are you going to work with the potential space that you're going to create? or right, or the volume around us? And how do we connect it? Right. And

Unknown Speaker 28:08

we're creating space in a collaborative workspace to play on on those two words.

Speaker 1 28:13

Right. So I'm your your location, you're located really right in a great spot of town. Right? You're on

Unknown Speaker 28:22

learned? We're at Shelby and Congress,

Speaker 1 28:25

Shelby and cardinals. So yeah, you have a great view. Tell us a little bit about how this concept originated, and who are some of the backers.

Unknown Speaker 28:36

So my background is in architecture. I freelanced as an architectural designer for many years. And then during the recession, I started doing marketing and business development for architects, engineers and contractors who smaller companies that didn't have that function in house. So this is the type of space that I wanted. When I was freelancing. I didn't want to always bring clients to my home and I got tired of meeting at Starbucks and I wanted to have a professional looking office with all the amenities that were available in a large office. So that's how it came about. My husband and I, my husband, Bobby Burton, and I are the owners.

Speaker 1 29:20

Bobby cool guy. Real nice guy. Yeah. I love Bobby.

Unknown Speaker 29:26

Yeah, so we're the backers were the ones that started the company. We did get a grant from Motor City match that pay for part of our furniture, but the majority of the majority of the work vast majority of the work we did ourselves to bring this to fruition.

Speaker 1 29:47

Well, that's how that's how you can tell how much you really love the concept and want this to succeed when you put so much passion into your right. Yeah, so I was there for one of your You guys even do little meetings and different things for to help the people inside your space, weekly meetings and daily meetings possibly. Tell us a little bit about those services that you guys offer. Right. So

Unknown Speaker 30:15

um, the meaning that you came to Danko was our content marketing Mondays. I do help companies with their business development and marketing is something that I started. So we can just share how to get your content and your expertise out to the public, and to be known as a thought leader in your area. But we also every month once a month, on Thursdays, which was yesterday, we have what we call celebrate the win where all of our members come together in our kitchen, and we celebrate the successes over the last month. Since these are smaller businesses. A lot of times solopreneurs, and small business owners don't have a lot of people to celebrate with, right? Well, we make a big deal out of the new projects and the new employees and any press that they receive

Speaker 1 31:12

them coming out. Coming every Thursday to celebrate.

Unknown Speaker 31:18

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Somebody had a birthday yesterday, in a party, their company brought in a cake,

Speaker 1 31:31

I'm mad at you count, you didn't text me to come. I love you. I'm mad at you, you should have texted me directly to come,

Unknown Speaker 31:38

I will send you an invitation. Right. Next time I want

Speaker 1 31:41

to celebrate.

Unknown Speaker 31:42

So how many members are in the space? Currently,

Unknown Speaker 31:47

we have currently we have about 80 members. And about that comprises about 30 company. So a lot of our members are in private office spaces within our space. And then we have open desk space as well.

Unknown Speaker 32:04

So if I am coming from out of town and I need a meeting space for three days, do you allow that as well?

Unknown Speaker 32:11

Yes, we do. Actually, today we have a couple people who have rented our living space, and they are not members here. So we do welcome non members to come and rent the space.

Speaker 1 32:23

How do they get a hold of you to find that info out?

Unknown Speaker 32:27

So we're at WWW dot Space Lab Not lab si la de Detroit, that

Unknown Speaker 32:38

one lab

Speaker 1 32:38

one lab, not labs. All right. One lab right now. So the cool, the cool thing about your space, when I walked it, I felt like a if I if I really am on a budget, I can come and use your workspace for a low monthly fee. I might not get an office but I'll be able to have a place to work out of Yeah, how much is your starting package just started. You know, Sarado actually

Unknown Speaker 33:09

are our starting packages only $40 a month. I mean, that's gives you access to the space between nine and six. And we can do conference room time that will give you four hours of conference room time. Or you can do two day passes and two hours of conference room time like to come in a couple days. And use the conference room for meeting or we'll give you three day passes to for yourself and one for guests if you want to bring someone to work with you that day.

Unknown Speaker 33:42

And there's open network and Wi Fi and printers and yeah,

Speaker 1 33:46

great location. Great

Unknown Speaker 33:48


Speaker 1 33:48

I mean this this is an awesome, right.

Unknown Speaker 33:50

Yeah, I'm standing here looking at the beautiful view of the river.

Speaker 1 33:53

Very Detroit is coming very Detroit is gonna be part of that package real soon. Yeah. Thursday, Karen's really nice too. So Bobby's really cool. Yeah, so the great thing about your space is that if I'm coming from out of town, and I'm a developer, you're pretty much like a one stop shop to develop, identify opportunities, connect them with resources. Right. Right. Explain that process. So let's say I'm a billionaire coming from Chicago. And I want to put a skyscraper together. Yes. I would say Hey, Karen, how do i Where do I go?

Unknown Speaker 34:40

Well, you come right to the Space Lab front desk or send us an email. All right, we have we have five architects who are located within our space. And they range from startup companies, startup architecture firms up to firms who have been in business for over 60 years. Here are architects who works on multifamily housing. They work on small startup retail, brick and mortar spaces. One of our architects is the architect for Cobo center. Oh, they've been working on that since the 80s. So from small scale to large scale projects, we have architects who are here, we also have community, community planners and urban planners in our space. And then we have people who have been through real estate development training, so they can help with the program management for the entire process. All of our members are very well connected within the city of Detroit. So they know how to get through and work, work with the people at the city and know how to go straight through the development process.

Unknown Speaker 35:53

Do they ever ended up collaborating together? Like one? Yes, okay. Yes, they

Unknown Speaker 35:58

do. But we've been open for almost two years, we opened in June of 2017. And our members are now working together to propose on projects. The developers work with architects, the architects work with the construction managers. They, some of them come to me for marketing. Help. So and we have a, we have a virtual reality office here, a company here and they work, I think they've worked with just about every company in our space.

Speaker 1 36:33

So that the great thing is, is that a resource like yours exists. And in in in particular, you have incubators and co working spaces, but they're kind of all over the place. Yours is specific to real estate, and development. And it is quite challenging. When you're working in a bigger city and there's more bureaucracy, you're going to, you need resources like that to get to the next spot, whatever you want to build, even if it's a house or a multi, you know, condos or whatever you might want. So, Space Lab And hopefully some people will take advantage of your great prices and your great space. Karen, I want to thank you for calling in. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It's been great talking to you. I

Unknown Speaker 37:22

look forward to seeing you all next on next month. Yes.

Speaker 1 37:26

You might see me before that. But we'll we'll talk about that. Can you be great. All right.

Unknown Speaker 37:33

Thank you have a great day.

Speaker 1 37:37

All right. Isn't that a cool concept?

Unknown Speaker 37:39

I can't I was expecting it to be more expensive.

Speaker 1 37:43

Well, yeah, I mean, depends on what you want. Right? If you want a little more of an office and what you need but as a single person, I think this is a great place to go coffee this that another brainstorm connect with like her? Yes. Next up, um, we have something almost a little bit different but similar in in scope. Monica, are you there? Yes, I am. How are you guys doing this morning? Right. Monica Alexander from bunker labs. Hi. Hello. No, Monica. We were talking earlier. What was the name that you would like to be addressed as like your title? Wasn't like a benevolent overlord? Yeah, you're the benevolent overlord over there at Bunker labs, right.

Unknown Speaker 38:35

I'm such a geek. I love NPR. So it just a joke from there. But you know, my title over there is entrepreneur, city leader. And what that means is a big title for even a bigger job. I get to help incubate up and coming veteran entrepreneurs that come in out of the city of Detroit. So they hustle

Speaker 1 38:53

hard. Yeah, no, that's that's such a, with all the things and all the veterans that are coming back from all these wars, especially right now. It's got to be tough.

Unknown Speaker 39:03

Yes, yes. It's, we find it very difficult to reintegrate back in because a lot of times we, you know, we find ourselves, like not being very frustrated with what's going on in the civilian sector. Right. So a lot of us end up starting our own businesses. Some of them become fortune 500 companies, other ones are mom and pop shops, just to create a couple of jobs for look for a few local people.

Speaker 1 39:29

Yeah. And all of them are great, right? I mean, some some, some people want just a little store. Some people want to go and be bigger.

Unknown Speaker 39:39

Absolutely. Like so we have we've had tech companies come through. My company is a holistic wellness company. So like I said, the range is huge. What, what the veterans have to offer. So

Unknown Speaker 39:50

are you also a resource if there's grants or state money or any type of funding that's available for veterans Like Would would you know about that already, if they're looking for it?

Unknown Speaker 40:04

We, we do get information from their your previous caller Spacelab. They are a huge resource to us. And they always share information about what's available. And then we just pass that on to the other veterans.

Speaker 1 40:17

What a good connection. So do you help them organize their their business plan? Or do they come with an idea? How does it begin?

Unknown Speaker 40:26

So how it begins is a majority of the entrepreneurs come with an idea, okay, some of them already have a business plan. Some of them are already operating in seeing revenue. So it just kind of depends on where they want to go. But their next step is one of these incubators, that's not industry specific. So what's awesome, so currently, and our current veteran or residence program, we have one company that is a budding company, she doesn't even have a logo yet. And then we have other companies that have hundreds of clients set up already. And we just help them where they are. With moving to the next level

Speaker 1 41:05

in that's where you come in, and your team goes ahead and starts to lay out the plan and help them envision where they're going.

Unknown Speaker 41:16

Absolutely. So there's three of us that work together to accomplish that goal here locally in Detroit. And of course, the whole army, no pun intended. Veterans and previous business owners who are behind us, supporting us. So it's myself, as entrepreneurs, City Leader, Sean Lewis, he is our connector. So he's the one that connects our veterans to the specific resource that they need or the people that they need. And then Pete receding, he owns Templar, and his job is operations. So he makes sure that all of our events are going and without any problems. He also helps the veterans coordinate their individually events that they want to put on when they want to showcase their business. He's very good at those.

Speaker 1 42:00

So people can access you through bunker Yes. Okay. Can you just

Unknown Speaker 42:07

go Sorry, I just want you to clarify only because I read a little bit. It's for veterans, but it's also for spouses and family members. So actually, how far does this really extend?

Unknown Speaker 42:19

That it's, um, it's veterans is veterans and their spouses. And when it extends to family members, that's more bunker labs wide. So if we have trainings and events, everyone is invited to a better new residence program itself is actually a we work program, which is another co working space in downtown Detroit. They're the ones who actually host the veteran or residence program. So they get working space, they get an opportunity to showcase their businesses to all the other companies that are in the building. And then bunker Labs is powered by bunker labs. So bunker Labs is the one that facilitates and handle the day to day operations of the we work veterinary residence program. Okay, so the cool part is, it's not close to just veterans, if you go to bunker There is an online portal that is amazing. If you have an entrepreneurial idea, civilian or military, you can go into that portal and you can take those courses at no cost. So instead of you spending 1000s of dollars paying someone to get your very basic things handled, it's all right there for you at no cost. It's our it's the bunker labs way of giving back to everyone in the country who gives back to us.

Speaker 1 43:27

Are you guys national? We are national. Okay. That's what I thought when I looked at you had Chicago Detroit, when did Detroit open compared to the other places? Um, Detroit

Unknown Speaker 43:36

is one of the newer locations they have been. The bunker has been open for about a year and a half. I love it. It's under two years. So we've had two tribes come through and this is our third tribe that just started third tribe

Speaker 1 43:47

love it. So end up No, yeah. So you finish what you're gonna say sorry.

Unknown Speaker 43:53

I'm gonna say if you got if anybody wants to come and check us out and do some networking with with the veterans that are currently our residents as well as the other businesses that are in the we work building every third Thursday of the month from 530 to 730. We have what we call bunker brews. Yes, there is beer on tap. There's coffee. There's fruit infused water. There's regular water, there's food.

Speaker 1 44:15

Are you kidding me at the beer? Well, you hit me at the beer

Unknown Speaker 44:20

SpaceLabs and then come to you for drink, right?

Unknown Speaker 44:24

She didn't tell you they have cocktails over there too.

Speaker 1 44:27

Oh yeah. She didn't mention

Unknown Speaker 44:33

Lab is a pretty cool place. Yeah, we I go over there. I went over there for their new I love the networking system because I went over there for their marketing Mondays to help my personal business, more marketing and they did a phenomenal job with that course. And it was very affordable. It was a very affordable course to go through as an entrepreneur. But the bunker brews is a third Thursday of every month 530 to 730 we have one coming up on the 21st it is the launch Eve For this current tribe that's coming through so I would love to see the city come out. And

Unknown Speaker 45:05

it's open to the public to the public.

Unknown Speaker 45:08

Right and actually, you can you can reserve yours your space on on Eventbrite. So just type in bunker, bunker labs Detroit or bunker brews. And our lab it does have an SS LNBs

Speaker 1 45:20

Yes, okay. I was gonna put a z at the end. Do, Monica. Um, what a great thing you're doing there. And we hope we hope to have you on our show again very soon to talk about your business. I look forward to it. Alright, so bunker Thanks, Monica. Thank you guys. Thank

Unknown Speaker 45:45


Speaker 1 45:47

Nick, cool. The resources we have in the city that I don't think a lot of people know about.

Unknown Speaker 45:51

No, but they're all connected and they know about each other. Which is a nice Yes,

Speaker 1 45:57

yes. Yes. Um, all right. Next up. We have Eric Zwicky. Hello, Eric. Morning. Good morning. How are you? Hey, good, good. Hey, you know, Tracy and I were talking and thinking about leaving the country and what types of insurances that might be possible if we were traveling outside of

Unknown Speaker 46:24

the country? You mean what else do I need besides my Clorox wipes for the plane?

Speaker 1 46:27

Yeah, the Clorox right, so you know all these gloves and your sunscreen. Pete? What is it SPF 90 Now or 103,000 3000? But you know, this got it. This has to be a worry for a lot of people going abroad and I know people are planning vacations right around now. What are some hot spots Tracy that you think are really cool to go to in the world Ibiza a Baeza crazy for her? If you're over 30? I don't know if you can hear

Unknown Speaker 47:02

oh, no, it's in all the songs on the radio. So I figured I'd throw it out there.

Speaker 1 47:06

It's a crazy place. But I would imagine that would be a good place to make sure you were covered in that country. Is it a country of visa? How do I know? Ask Eric Eric is a visa. A destination? What's the island you're going to that I didn't hear about before Eric?

Unknown Speaker 47:25

Actually, we're headed down to Curacao, which is in the southern Caribbean. So I think it's pretty close to Aruba. Probably more familiar. Yeah. But But yeah, yeah, that should be interesting. I can't imagine I can't imagine any Caribbean island being not nice, you know, right. Oh,

Speaker 1 47:47

yeah. I think you know, especially travel destinations and whatnot. But a lot of our listeners are probably saying, Well, you know, I'm worried about traveling first. A lot of times, you know, what kind of preliminary things you might take as far as medicine, maybe? I don't know, maybe some CBD oil. But what do you do when you get there? And you may have a fall or something may happen to you? What are some options for travelers? If I'm traveling? Can I buy some kind of like supplemental insurance, health insurance to protect me?

Unknown Speaker 48:19

Yeah, it was funny as I was reading a statistic this morning, and they said that in 2016, the numbers from 16, but Americans traveled abroad in a record number. So over, over 70 million Americans traveled outside of the US in 2016. So, you know, whether that be leisure, missionary work, business, travel, schooling, more and more people are becoming, you know, international travelers, you know, so it's important, I think, you know, to make sure that you're covered, you know, in event of a of a medical emergency, you know, so we do a lot of, you know, single trip coverages. So, you know, if you're going to the Caribbean for a week, or you're going over to Europe for a couple of weeks, or you're going into really any other country, we have options for single trips and then we also also have options for people that are going to travel multiple times throughout the year whether that be for for work or leisure.

Unknown Speaker 49:24

This is actually an I just thought about it because you have a senior going on a senior trip if your parents and you're worried about your kids traveling, yeah. Get them some extra coverage maybe.

Speaker 1 49:34

Yeah, I mean, what can what's what's an average Eric like, let's say if I wanted to buy a million dollars of extra health coverage for a week,

Unknown Speaker 49:43

my wife and I, we were fortunate enough last last year to go to Europe for 10 days. Nice and you know, I wanted to be protected. When we were traveling over there and for her and I it was like $30 a month. For $30 A trip for a million dollars, and

Speaker 1 50:05

that's crazy. I mean, what of it? Yeah, I mean, it's more than your extra bag to check in. Sure. Well, thanks, Eric for kind of like letting us no about that. How can people get a hold of you if they have some questions about traveling abroad and health insurance?

Unknown Speaker 50:24

Yeah, and we're doing this, we're doing this kind of on a daily basis now, but you just give us a call our phone numbers 248-850-4000. So it's 248-850-4000 it's easy to you know, we're located over here in Troy, Michigan off of Rochester road,

Speaker 1 50:41

but you guys would even go to wherever they are, if they needed some special stuff at times, right?

Unknown Speaker 50:46

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, we've done you know, we do big group trips. So like you guys had mentioned, you know, group of students going for spring break, and we've done missionary trips, and we've done work trips and just leisure trips. So yeah, we can, we can flip data meeting either in Troy or we can come out to your home or business location.

Speaker 1 51:08

Excellent. All right. Well, thank you, Eric. You heard it here. Give Eric a call it 248-840-5000 908 504-850-4000 Excellent, sir. All right, Eric. Hi, guys. Have a great day. Thanks for the info weekend. Appreciate it. Thanks. All right. See did you know I mean, how affordable you could get all that protection? I mean, that scares the bejesus out of me for when you travel outside the country what those costs would be

Unknown Speaker 51:37

it's funny I'd never really think about it because I I have insurance so I but I don't think about insurance overseas, but I probably should but

Speaker 1 51:45

they don't. They don't always cover Oh, say if you needed a helicopter to transport you and whatever

Unknown Speaker 51:51

the Mediterranean island off of Ibiza

Speaker 1 51:55

to get to the mainland. That's gonna cost you some cash. So and your insurance company might not pay for it. So protect yourself people for

Unknown Speaker 52:03

30 bucks. Yeah. Why not? Right. All right. So

Speaker 1 52:07

up next, we have wizards wisdom to round off our show. Wizard. Are you there?

Unknown Speaker 52:13

I am. I am. How are you doing? Dinka?

Speaker 1 52:14

Excellent. Hey, um, tell us a little bit of feedback of what you thought about the Japanese. What did they call the HANA?

Unknown Speaker 52:27

What is it called?

Speaker 1 52:28

The Girls Day? The Japanese girls day? Yeah, we'll

Unknown Speaker 52:30

call it Japanese girls. That was a that was really cool. Exhibit.

Unknown Speaker 52:34

Wait, did the two of you go together? Oh, we

Unknown Speaker 52:37

went together

Unknown Speaker 52:45

he likes his mandates. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 52:47

Oh, yeah. We have a good time. For sure. Yeah, no, I thought it was really interesting. Seeing Japanese culture, like we talked about. We talked about a couple

Speaker 1 52:57

of things was the drums that they were what were the what was the performance that they called? Taco Jones. Yeah. It was just, it was incredible. The performance was this group had come from Japan. And they just it was an incredible performance. I couldn't believe it. We got kicked out of some seats. But we were okay. We jumped around a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 53:19

Some rails Oh, yeah. That's always gonna happen when you know what the wizard women's a little bit? Yes, sir. You they

Unknown Speaker 53:30

don't want your luscious hair and their way they can't see over the top of your head.

Speaker 1 53:35

Yes, yes. So what's your wisdom for this week after contemplating a little bit here, wizard?

Unknown Speaker 53:43

Um, well, first, can I tell you what we have going on a tangent today? Yeah. I mean, I haven't been mentioning it too often. But I think tonight's a good one. It's a benefit for an artist named Brahms, Akron. Yeah. He recently had an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. And so we have a lot of artists that have donated all sorts of pieces. We have a lot of music artists, and I think there's all together 50 people involved in the music are going to be playing music and we're going to have an art sale. Trying to benefit

Speaker 1 54:22

can artists still donate if I had a piece that I might want to donate? Or is that over?

Unknown Speaker 54:29

They've just done the hanging it looks incredible on there. And by the way, they did the hanging last night I think they're gonna hang a few more pieces. If an artist does want to come in and knows Ron and wants to donate a piece. I'm sure they'd find a place on the wall for it.

Speaker 1 54:42

Is there an entry fee anything help?

Unknown Speaker 54:44

It's $10 entry. Okay. And really getting go all night? Yeah, horrible evening and all the benefits go to Ron we're not charging them for using the space or anything like that either.

Speaker 1 54:58

Good 100% You guys are doing great

Unknown Speaker 55:02

sharing. That's incredible.

Unknown Speaker 55:05

So, okay, so that's what's going on. Tonight, folks, good

Speaker 1 55:09

tomorrow, if

Unknown Speaker 55:09

you can, yeah, man, please come out and support our artists here. He's an incredible artist yet some of his art up as well. He has a whole lot of startups come to see what he does as well, and why people love them so much. As far as the wisdom for today, something that's been on my mind a lot here recently, and we talked a little bit about this, we went out. But I recently listened to a talk that was given to the Stanford Business School. Master's program Wow, by a guy named smath polyhouse. Tia, who is an act that one more time, his name is Tomas. Polly Hapa. Tia, okay, got it. And he is, he was an executive for Facebook. And he he worked with them from 2007 to 2012, I think is when it was that he left. And he made a really scathing rebuke of social media. He said that, at the point that we're at today, the tools that we've created. And this is an unintended side effect, but a side effect, has ripped apart the fabric of society as we know it. It's closed down discourse. There's no, there's no communication anymore. You have a bunch of people who have these dopamine feedback loops, they're getting from their different social medias. I really hit me, you know, if you think about it, and think about what's going on in the brain. This is unprecedented. We've never had anything like this before.

Speaker 1 56:51

Now, when we were talking about it, oh, is it? I mean, you? Yeah, I mean, you made a lot of sense. Like, every time you get a text, you get some kind of like a dopamine fix, or somebody that even

Unknown Speaker 57:02

cell phones, not just even social media, but just using a smartphone and having an instantaneous response, like

Speaker 1 57:10

Tracy we're doing right now. Yeah, yeah. But you see, I mean, it happens all around us all the time. Yeah. Right. I mean, that's a point right there.

Unknown Speaker 57:24

People are checking out into that world, you know, and one of the things is he's like, I don't know what the answer is, I, you know, we created these things and his unintended side effects, but people are being asked on a mass scale. And he doesn't know what to do about it. I mean, I think part of the answer is getting out and meeting people and having face to face contact. And when you're out, you know, not falling back into that digital, I mean, a digital crutch, right? Yeah, I think

Unknown Speaker 57:54

people even know how to relate to each other anymore. Like, if you weren't in a generation that actually goes out and talks to people.

Unknown Speaker 58:03

Right, I you know, and this is, this is the worry, and this is why it's worrisome is because that is falling apart as we speak. You know, it's, and it seems like, to me a really big problem that, you know, I've also just recently, you know, kind of waking up to, because I have a lot of time on my hands. I keep it that way, so that I have the freedom of mind to think about these kinds of things. But that's why we love you, my man. But that time has also translated into a lot of, you know, endless searching for information and just kind of like in and out, you know, maybe it doesn't even register, maybe I'm just grabbing it for the dopamine kick of putting something into my head novel, but it doesn't do anything or change anything. So.

Speaker 1 58:52

So the things that the challenge, then we're gonna wrap it up is to challenge our audience to be aware of their social media usage and what is triggering in their minds when they're doing it.

Unknown Speaker 59:08

Right. And I came across a step by step is like eight different steps for things that you can do to help break that. I'm going to share it with you guys. Maybe we can throw it on very Detroit so that people go Excellent. Check out this guide of maybe some ways that you can break and it's just it's about reordering your tools because these things are tools a hammer can be used to build a house or can be used to smash somebody whose head in you know, and so it's just a matter of looking at your tools and figuring out the best way to relate with them. Right.

Speaker 1 59:38

Excellent info wizard. Thank you have a great weekend. We will see your tangent Yeah. We're gonna leave you with Crazy Train